Green Glow 4s Glow In The Dark Raglan Concept

Success Comes At A Price | Green Glow 4s | Glow In The Dark Raglan Collage

While I probably should be putting more work in to my next release I’m still experimenting with color schemes that will work for my wardrobe and growing footwear collection, damn you Nike/Jordan Brand. That’s one of the beauties of being ab independent lifestyle brand, being able to follow your passion & not s corporate calendar. But I digress, what I want to share today is something I put together for the Green Glow 4s (308497-033).

The Green Glow 4’s have been challenging to style for as they’re a unique color scheme.  I did haven’t anything that matched them already.  But the uniqueness of the color scheme made them more intriguing since those of us who really wanted to showcase these bad boys would have to do some serious digging to find just the right t-shirt, Raglan, v-neck, hoodie etc.

I came across this Black & Heather Grey Raglan & decided that the Success Comes At A Price design would be Dope with the Glows. What sucks ofcourse is that the Green Glow 4’s don’t glow in the dark. Kinda misleading, huh? But they’re still a Dope pair of kicks I’m looking forward to undsing.

I’m debating if I should make one or possibly both shirts available for sale. I added some larger shots below I took.  Let me know what you think? Which do you like better the Green Outter ring with the Glow in the Center or the Green Center with Glowing Outter ring which ad you see in the picture allows you to see the Success Comes At A Price text in the dark?

Let me know what you think, email me


Green Glow Glow In The Dark Raglan
Glow In The Dark Outter Ring + Green Glow Center Raglan


Success Comes At A Price | Green Glow 4 Glow In The Dark Raglan
Green Glow Outter Ring + Glow In The Dark Center Raglan